Why Best City To Live?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Everyone desires a happy and peaceful life. To lead a perfect life, you will need a perfect city which is perfect to live in. But how a city is considered as perfect to live in? Which are the cities which can let you to live in permanently? It's not easy to choose as there are many cities in the world which are suitable to live in. Therefore, my group (Adventure Gang) has choose 3 cities that we are interested in to share with you all . Those cities provide tip-top environment which you can lead a perfect living there.
In additions, we have listed down a few characteristics that are required to choose the best cities.  

A) Safe place to reside in term of low crime rate and security guaranteed
      A low crime rate city and high security level guarantees your life and properties.
B) Reliable public transportation for residents
      You can save your time as you can farewell to the traffic jam problem and get rid of emotional problem.
C) A good living environment
     It includes wonderful weather, leisure places for you to enjoy after tiring of working, and good community atmosphere so that you can live in a harmony atmosphere.
Here is our choice!
1) Vincent- Vienna, Austria
2) Lyana  - Tokyo, Japan
3) Zafri    - Paris, France


